Meditation has its root meaning 'to measure' What is generally called meditation is but concentration . Concentrating on a particular object,sign,set of syllables,breath,sound,light etc!!.. One set of thought curbing or struggling to suppress other thoughts SUPRESSION IS THE KEY WORD. And the outcome is conflict struggle and pushing the problem deeper! By associating with some relegious symbols or mantras or signs,one considers it as a very sacred act!And the repetetive-ness brings about 'peace' which is nothing but drowsing the mind akin to
hpno- therapy where subconcious mind is lulled by repetetive activity of the mind.
And its unfortunate that one does not have any other tool other than mind at one's disposal!one can alter ones physiology with various drugs like L.S.D,MESCALIN [Reduces oxygen and glucose to the pareital lobe which functions in self identification of the self]and have some wonderful psychic or relegious experiences. One can stop the oxygen supply to the mind by holding the breath or bring about hyperthermia and change the sphere of visual and audio perception and have these so called relegious experiences.
After the end of all this struggle and effort, one essentialy remains the remains with the insecurities, the conflicts, the sorrow and the quest for eternal happiness!And the effort and the conflict gradually brings about a neurosis of a kind,which may or may not be visible or classifiable. The ego of a person practicing meditation or sadhna of any kind is thus bloated [may or may not be concealed] as the doer strenghtens itself in doing!with ever widening gulf of division between I and you! It is nothing but "high" which one seeks ,either through yoga or meditationBored with daily routine life,one seeks sensual pleasure of a kind in form of relegious or spiritual experiences.or when the mind is saturated by daily life worries,anxeity,trauma,one seeks an outlet through meditation, and the peace which one experiences is but a gap between two worries or stressful situations.
WE [individual genetic make-up] PERCEIVE THINGS FROM A RELATIVE POINT OF VIEW [ OUR VIEW] ,WHICH IS A SUM TOTAL OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESS.AND THE CONTENT OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS OUR UPBRINGING,OUR SOCIAL AND CULTURAL MILEU,OUR KNOWLEDGE AND MEMORY AND OUR GENETIC MAKE -UPA GOOD COUNSELOR IS ONE WHO TRIES TO SHOW YOU DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWSA BETTER COUNSELOR IS ONE WHO SHOWS YOU 'THE ABSOLUTE' POINT OF VIEW the most important thing one may realize is that,"one is not ,the captain of his ship".all in the genes-Latest scientific studies and researches have proved that genes play most prominent role in deciding the physical,mental ,'spiritual' and behavioral constitution of a person.
Even faith is hardwired into our genes.Human beings bear a gene which predisposes them to be religious and experience mystical or spiritual experiences.The neurotransmitters are behind one co-relating with a particular personality trait.So its the break down of these neurotransmitters ,which is brought about by genes ,which makes one aspire for salvation, or one being an atheist or a rationalist!So whatever one is,whatever ones inclination are, whatever one perceives oneself as or aspires to be is all because of one's genetic make-up!
Free will/DeterminismsLatest evidence from brain researches reveal that we mostly use our reptilian and mammalian brain than our human brain, which is left to justify and rationalize the instinctive and reactive behavior of other two brains[brain can be divided into three parts]Our "freedom of action" is governed by our fundamental biochemical, it sounds unfortunate , but that is how it is-we are not free!our belief in free will is also determined!Each of us is shackled from birth to a genetically determined future,bound by the chains of the
D.NA double helix!.The conditioning to a lesser extent then shapes us on the back-ground of our personalities or biochemical make-up.we are made to conform to thevalues of the society into which we are born through our upbringings andthe influence of geological,cultural and political forces around us.Biologist maintain that all moods and emotions are closely associated with certain chemicalsThis organism 'man' is so mechanistic that one's ego ceases to accept this as accepting this is a threat to its existence .And freedom thus is only another notion or word with no significance!
There is a constant struggle and duality in trying to change oneself from what one is in present to what one wants to become in future" A constant fight between two divisions of one singular mind.One thought trying to suppress or curb the other, eventually leading to misery and frustration. SELFISH TO THE CORE - The one special,unique and unfortunate feature which differentiates man from the rest of the living forms is the"ego" or "I",and the man keeps on nurturing and strengthening this self-image for the rest of "his life" with his growing experiences . With the formation of this ego or a new referral point, the absolutebecomes relative. And everything is perceived by this center and all the perception is subjected to the content of this image which is a sum total of experiences and memory of the"individual". With formation of the ego at a young age,future life will be seen through one's particular pair of glasses!!! And here starts the division --- ME AND YOU. Life,which simply is ,becomes "my life"All the actions originate from this center ,and thus man can not help being selfish! Everything,including all the"selfless activities " and "charitable deeds" are self centered!AS LONG AS ONE STRIVES TO CHANGE ONE's SELF FUNDAMENTALLY,ONE CANNOT CHANGE ! - Truth of Life
The word hypnosis is shrouded with mystery ever since the term was coined. The word hypnosis is a misnomer, meaning sleep in greek. The exact origin of hypnotism is lost in the mist of time,but undoubtedly it was prevalent in the 'sleep temples' of Egypt from where it spread to Greece.but even earlier than Egypt it was quite popular in India for thousand of years.It was Swiss doctor, friedrich anton mesmer, who in 1775 published his theory of 'animal magnetism'. There is magnetism in the human body and this magnetism has curative powers. What is hypnosis? Mind, which is essentially one can be divided into conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind does the thinking of which you are aware, whereas the latter is a vast vaulted warehouse in which are treasured all hidden thoughts and impressions, which keep on shaping ones actions throughout the life..Hypnosis is nothing but the conditioning and the reconditioning of the subconscious. All your likes, dislikes, prejudices, fears ,phobias,sense of morality,religious and mundane beliefs are but a result of your genes and conditioning, the inputs you are incessantly receiving from your parents the state and your social environment are constantly shaping your you already are,right from your birth,a hypnotic subject and a hypnotist too!!!Conscious mind is the censor; it thrives on logic and rationalization, The subconscious mind is like a obedient slave, it accepts all the cumulative suggestion , including that of the conscious mind .scope of hypnosis-It is a very vast field,as one is venturing the mind, which is unfathomably mysterious and mostly unexplored.It has ever-widening frontiers. The author in his personal experiences has even tried future life progression in addition to past life regression,which is normaly practiced to some success. The 'individual mind' is at some level connected to 'the world mind'. World mind is a collection of all the human experiences and knowledge ever present. This world mind seems to have some link to the subconcious mind of an individual. Author has seen that under hypnotic spell,it is possible to 'access' the world mind. The subject can relate any information or knowledge,which may not be a concious part of his experiencing structure. For example a subject of mine was able to relate the minute details of the egypian pyramids,without ever knowing anything about it conciously. Another subject could explain all about astrology, while conciously, he had no belief or knowledge of astrology. Uses-mind cannot help bieng conditioned,and only one in a billion has a mind[enlightened] which is de-conditioned. Re-conditioning,though is possible, and this is acheived with the help of HYPNOSIS.Habits can be re-modified and pattern of mental activity, reshaped! as desired. It plays a important role in
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